Coach Sam’s 2017 Golf Event
Sponsored by: Electronic Merchant Systems
Monday August 7, 2017
StoneWater Golf Club
1 Club Dr.
Highland Heights, Ohio 44134
Registration begins at 11:00 AM
Event begins at 12:30 PM
All proceeds support Coach Sam’s Inner Circle Foundation. Coach Sam’s Inner Circle Foundation’s mission is to provide educational support to at risk children through a combination of literacy, personal development and health and fitness programs designed to develop the whole child.
Hole Sponsorship
$100 Sponsor
$250 Half Hole Sponsor
$500 Full Hole Sponsor
Event Sponsorship
$25,000 Championship Sponsor
$7,000 Touchdown
- Individual recognition given at award ceremony
- Largest size logo on collateral material that is distributed (full page if desired)
- Clubhouse signage and activity sponsorship (drinks, lunch, dinner, beer cart, etc.)
- Ability to input “leave behinds” for golfers in each golf cart (mug, information, balls, etc.)
- Reserves eight player positions
- Optional 5 minute speech at the awards ceremony
$3,000 Field Goal
- Individual recognition given at award ceremony
- Large size logo on collateral material that is distributed (full page if desired)
- Clubhouse signage and activity sponsorship (drinks, lunch, dinner, beer cart, etc.)
- Ability to input “leave behinds” for golfers in each golf cart (mug, information, balls, etc.)
- Reserves four player positions
- Optional 5 minute speech at the awards ceremony
$2,000 2 Point Conversion
- Consolidated recognition by name given at the award ceremony to potential golfers
- Second largest size logo on collateral material that is distributed to potential golfers
- Mention of sponsorship for specific hole contest (i.e. Longest Men’s Drive sponsored by X)
- Reserves two player positions
$1,000 Extra Point Sponsor
- Recognition on collateral material
Prizes will be awarded for:
Winning Team
Longest Drive
Raffle and Silent Auction items:
Ohio State Buckeye Football Presidential Tickets
Personal group tour of Football Hall of Fame w/ Coach Sam
Sports Memorabilia
Local Restaurants, Spas & More